

Proud to be an Appalachian State Mountaineer! I love my Carolina artists, especially my fellow Mountaineers Eric Church and Luke Combs. Living a...Full Bio


Give For Good Louisville: Blessings In A Backpack

Join 97.5 WAMZ in supporting Blessings In A Backpack during Give For Good Louisville on Thursday, September 15th! Blessings In A Backpack feeds kids in Louisville on the weekend. One in six kids struggles with access to food when they are away from school and you can help change that. Choose Blessings In A Backpack on September 15th at

Get ready for Give For Good Louisville by dining at Salsarita’s Fresh Mexican Grill on Wednesday, September 14th. A portion of proceeds will benefit Blessings In A Backpack. If ordering online, use the code FUNDRAISER.

Fight childhood hunger with 97.5 WAMZ!

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