Earth Day 2020

April 22nd is Earth Day but we're celebrating all week! We've put together a list of things that you can do from home to help our planet.

Monday, April 20th:

Declutter and Donate :

Sometimes things can pile up. Use today to organize and donate unwanted/unnecessary items lying around the house.

Click here to see which charities can do a donation pickup in your area.

Tuesday, April 21st:

Reuse and Re-purpose old items :

Have an old t-shirt? Cut it into strips to create rags instead of using paper towels. An old tin can could be used as a planter for flowers and herbs. Small jars can be made into a candle holder. Old clothing with holes can be easily mended with a needle and thread. There are plenty of ways to reuse and re-purpose simple items lying around your home.

Wednesday, April 22nd:

Reduce your carbon footprint:

Take time today to look around your home and make note of all of the lightbulbs that aren't LED or Halogen. Make a plan to replace those lightbulbs to save energy. Turn your water heater down and your thermostat up. Check your windows to make sure your heat or air is staying inside of the house.

Thursday, April 23rd:

DIY Crafts:

Have toilet paper rolls or empty 2-liter bottles? You can easily create crafts out of these items! Use your toilet paper rolls to create 3-dimensional pieces of art such as small birdhouses, butterflies, rabbits and flowers. Use a 2-liter bottle to create a bird feeder with birdseed or cheerios or to create a small terrarium.

Check out these crafts :

Coke Bottle Terrarium

Recycled Bird Feeder

Recycled Birdhouse

Butterfly Craft

Toilet Paper Roll Bunny

Paper Roll Spring Flowers

Friday, April 24th:

Reduce plastic usage:

Today, try to reduce your plastic usage! Avoid using plastic cups and bottles, single use silverware, plastic wrap and plastic straws! Invest in a multi-use water bottle, a water filter system or pitcher, silicone food storage, metal straws and reusable silverware to-go.

Saturday, April 25th:

Plant something:

Spruce up your yard or living space with fresh flowers or plants! Use today to practice your green thumb and plant a small garden, fruits or veggies, potted plants or succulents. If you're feeling adventurous, you could plant a tree!

Sunday, April 26th:

Clean up your neighborhood:

Get your trash bags ready because we're cleaning the neighborhood! Get your household together to pick up any litter that may be in your area and expel of it properly. You will be helping the planet while also making memories.

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